Jeito Certo Consultoria

The new consumer, the isolation paradox that brings

“The dogmas of the peaceful past are inadequate for the turbulent present.”

Abraham Lincoln


The present time demands from us a new mentality, a new set of tools, new skills. It is necessary to renew ideas and change paradigms.

A new reality emerges, a new economy, a new behavior for consumption and income generation. The consumer appears as the protagonist in a scenario where, for example, he is the one who chooses how he will transact his purchases and not the banks anymore. He decides if he is going to use the traditional “machine”, pay with QR Code or use his cell phone / watch as a Near Feature Communication tool. The consumer decides everything, and his ideas, opinions, needs and even complaints, shape the positioning of brands. On the other hand, the determination for an excellent service, drives a new response from the companies.

The crisis has enabled us to confront risk and opportunity.

Opportunities that generated new possibilities.

We live new experiences, we visit new places on Instagram, we have fun with creative videos on TikTok, and this volume of alternatives only tends to grow.

The physical distance could contribute to the social approach instead of the isolation. We had more access to people even strangers, we participated in meetings that we would not have attended in the past. They were and I believe they will continue to be, many lives, many webinars, many videoconferences.

More people became entrepreneurs, started their own businesses, recorded videos exposing their talents in different areas, music, cooking, etc.

Naturally there was an expansion of visibility, new concepts and talents were applauded.

The closure of shopping malls and high street stores has led to increased sales on digital platforms 24/7.

The increase in this demand generated an increase in supply, e-commerce grew substantially.

The occlusion of some “roads” opened new paths towards the construction of more assertive purchases, such as, for example, augmented reality.

The different types of intelligence of individuals have been sharpened, many new projects have been and are being developed.

The means of payment sector, for example, has accelerated its innovations and has the chance to stand out by offering more choices to its customers.

I also highlight the encouragement of a greater engagement of companies with the causes of the environment and social development, in addition to a society more aware of their rights and duties.

Unfortunately the virus brought a lot of pain to society, but amid sadness and with respect to all this adverse circumstance, we can also have a look at the rebirth of a new era, the Age of Wisdom, where the constant search for information and knowledge will have to be added to the purposes and principles.

Corporate giants even canceled their advertising on social networks that were not actively and quickly positioned against hatred and / or racism.

The corporate world charges values.

The globalization of markets, universal connectivity and the democratization of information and expectations, have significantly increased competition.

Organizations that do not address their chronic problems will be surprised by acute problems. Those considered chronic are lack of purpose and vision, lack of confidence, low level of communication and engagement. These generate trebles, inefficiency in the market, overrun of accounts (especially cash flow), poor quality, inefficiency in cost control and plastering.

As Aristotle said: “Our vocation resides where the talents and needs of the world intersect.”

It is time to value talents. Remembering that skills are not necessarily talents. Skills can be developed by a need and talents can be forgotten or even buried. When companies have employees who use only their skills, they do their activities in a trivial way. When employees are placed at the front with the opportunity to apply, develop and multiply their talents, the exceptional happens.


It is time to deliver the value that the whole society is looking for: security. Companies that expand the ability to respond to the consumer, customizing security, will leave and stay ahead. It is necessary to ensure that this consumer, who may be feeling, regardless of his social position, restricted or protected, feels safe. Technology, process structuring and good partnerships will guarantee this delivery.

The issue of on and off is still discussed. Digital has definitely entered the buying process. Consumers who have had a good experience in purchasing basic items such as food, medicine, personal hygiene, clothing, among others, have learned a path. The discussion should no longer be based on the purchase process that has certainly become on + off, but on how to get to know your consumer more.